WEBINAR 2: Directors/Curators Panel
The 10th International Conference of Museums for Peace
Webinar 2: Directors/Curators Panel
Webinar 2: Directors/Curators Panel
Theme: Discussions of Directors and Curators for a Hopeful Future of Peace Museums by Strengthening Networking from the Challenges We Face Today and Handling Baton to the Next Generations
Recorded: Aug 4, 2020 09:30 PM
Ago Shinichi: Panel coordinator
Junko Kanekiyo: Assistant
Ms. Anneliese Hardman: Cambodia Peace Gallery (USA)
Dr. Erik Somers: The Netherlands Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (NIOD), (The Netherlands)
Dr. Clive Barrett: The Peace Museum, Bradford (UK)
Dr. Tanya Maus: Peace Resource Center, Wilmington College (USA)
Ms. Emi Karimata: Himeyuri Peace Museum / Himeyuri Peace Research Center (Japan)