PR Your Peace: Report of Online Workshop Series in Peace Education

The 10th International Conference of Museums for Peace

Title: PR Your Peace: Report of Online Workshop Series in Peace Education

Author: Kyung Jin HA, Associate Professor, Hiroshima City University (Japan)

Abstract: In this report, I will introduce an attempt of Peace Internship, an intensive lecture of Hiroshima City University. It has been continued for many years, centering on programs to experience peace in the city of Hiroshima. In 2019, with the cooperation of Hiroshima Peace Institute, city officials, civic groups, and university researchers, the lecture was renewed. A core program is a series of workshops to get students to make a one-minute video clip about peace using their smartphone. It begins with first workshop that makes student aware that perceptions of peace differ from person to person, then moves to the next step to understand how it is possible for individuals to disseminate peace using PR (Public Relations) thinking and technique as clues. Since COVID-19, the third stage is switched from offline to online field work using digital archives and Google maps to grasp land intuition which is essential to make a PR clip. In this report, I will explain the program briefly and what we gained through such efforts with next questions. Is it effective for students to make PR clips as an approach of peace education? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having all programs online?
